Lever of Change
Income Support

Piggy bank


Adequate income support programs (e.g. Employment Insurance, Social Assistance, Guaranteed Income Supplement) are a critical part of the community’s social safety net. They complement and fill the gaps when well-paying employment is currently unavailable or for people unable to work full-time hours or at all.

Effective income support programs are the result of effective municipal, provincial and federal policies, and advocating for effective policy requires information-sharing, collaboration and coordination within the human services sector. Vibrant Communities Calgary co-chairs the Social Policy Collaborative, a group of community organizations committed to working together to inform the development and implementation of public policy that improves the economic and social wellbeing of Albertans. This group aims to bring a clear and collective voice to government to advance policy opportunities that address the most pressing challenges faced by vulnerable Albertans. Read Why do we penalize people who work while on Income Support.

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