
Ameera Shivji

What drives Ameera to push for a Calgary where there is Enough for All

"I’m from a family of entrepreneurs. My dad and his brother moved their families to Calgary in the 80s to start a business. And, start a business they did! Franklin Cash and Carry was the first South Asian grocery store in Calgary. But then the recession hit and everything they had built for so long was gone. For my mom and dad this meant some lean times, precarious employment, a bankruptcy and after a few years, some stability. It was a long time before my parents had the resources and risk tolerance to start another business, but after about 15 years they did, and they were back.

I often wonder what a basic income and living wages could have meant for them when they were struggling. What if they could have gotten back to being entrepreneurs, creating employment and thriving sooner? That’s what ‘enough for all’ means to me --reducing barriers, creating opportunities and creating a community where everyone has a chance to contribute and thrive. That’s why I’m so proud to work for Vibrant Communities Calgary."

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