
‘I live in instability’: Survey shows one in four Calgarians can’t meet basic financial needs

Meaghon Reid discusses how the lack of affordable housing may lead to younger people leaving Alberta

3 October 2023

The Calgary Foundation released its 2023 Quality of Life Report reporting alarming numbers like 25% of city residents can’t meet basic financial needs and 16% have been using community food programs such as food banks, gift cards or neighbourhood free pantries.

VCC's Meaghon Reid reflected on the report and the lack of affordable housing with the Calgary Herald's Bill Kauffman. She explained that it’s such trends “that are going to have major impacts on the future, on youthful talent that’s part of Alberta’s success." She stressed that immediate action on affordable housing is needed from the federal and provincial governments.

Read the full article: ‘I live in instability’: Survey shows one in four Calgarians can’t meet basic financial needs.

Beneath the Surface

Creating a city where poverty cannot exist is an ambitious goal. It means having a city where our health, education, childcare, and transportation systems meet our needs. A city where jobs pay living wages and our income support programs meet our basic needs. But it’s what Enough for All strives to attain.

